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Welcome Message

Dear Cardiology Fellows and Friends,

Due to the ongoing risks arising from COVID-19, the Great Wall International Congress of Cardiology 2020 (GW-ICC 2020) and the Asian Heart Society Conference 2020 (AHS 2020) will be held entirely online from Monday through Sunday, October 19 to 25, 2020.

GW-ICC will offer an “Academic Feast" in 2020, which will comprise a wide range of innovative educational programs as well as opportunities for scientific exchange and engagement with international experts. GW-ICC will have 87 academic forums and hold more than 980 academic activities in 14 sub-specialties and inter-disciplines, which will allow participants to fully immerse themselves in the latest and most advanced scientific knowledge available to date.

The 7/12/25 format (7 day, 12 hours/day, 25 live channels) will allow GW-ICC 2020 to offer a very wide range content, formats and targeted educational programs. While some channels will focus on traditional cardiovascular specialties—hypertension, coronary intervention, arrhythmia, and cardiovascular imaging—additional channels focus on the study of domestic and foreign medical guidelines, graduate and specialist training, clinical case discussions and "Meet-the-Experts." Cardiovascular specialists can develop their schedules based on their personal needs as well as on their professional development interests, such as clinical and scientific research.

Twenty-seven of the world's most influential cardiovascular societies have confirmed their participation in GW-ICC 2020. For the first time, societies from South America and Africa will participate, and they will join us in providing an insightful comparison of similarities and differences in cardiovascular science across five continents. The leadership teams of our long-term partners, the American College of Cardiology (ACC), the American Heart Association (AHA), the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and the World Heart Federation (WHF), will not only join our Opening Ceremony, but they will continue to host joint sessions with leaders of GW-ICC to discuss the latest and most important developments in cardiology. Our esteemed journal partners, Circulation, the JACC Journal family of publications, European Heart Journal and JAMA Cardiology will highlight new advances in cardiovascular science and share the importance of these advancements to clinicians in Asia. As always, other overseas peers and academic institutions will also join GW-ICC.

In the past 30 years, GW-ICC has remained committed to the vision of "Ideal Health, Healthy Inspiration.” GW-ICC has expanded its scope from education around diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases to include the promotion of interdisciplinary medical practice, with additional focus on prevention, rehabilitation and chronic disease management.  GW-ICC has explored a new model of eHealth and shifted its focus from "treatment-centered" to "human health-centered" care. Since its humble start in 1989, GW-ICC has become a unique institution in China’s cardiovascular field and international medical field.

On behalf of the conference organizing committee, I am pleased to invite you to attend this congress, and I would like to express my gratitude to all colleagues, academic institutions—at home and abroad—social organizations and enterprises for their support. I would also like to extend a heart-felt tribute and thanks to those front-line medical staff who continue the fight against COVID.

Let us meet virtually in October!